Federated States of Micronesia

Alternative spellings and historic names include: Caroline Islands, New Philippines, Nuevas Filipinas, and The Carolines
The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) is a Pacific Island nation comprised of many small and scattered islands, joined by a loose federalized system of government, which are primarily united by their shared status as former US protectorates.
The FSM is one of three “Freely Associated States,” or “FAS” nations in a Compact of Free Association or “COFA” with the United States. The treaty and agreements provide economic assistance to the countries, secure US defense rights, set defense responsibilities, and allow FAS citizens to migrate to the United States.
Heterogeneity & Naming
The many small and scattered islands and atolls of today's FSM are commonly termed "Micronesia," but the term does not represent a comprehensive or consistent social, linguistic, political or cultural grouping. The geographic term "Caroline Islands" and it's subunits of Western Caroline Islands, Central Caroline Islands, and Eastern Caroline Islands more accurately reflect cultural groupings within today's FSM.
The term "Micronesia" is variously used to describe today's Federated States of the Micronesia; the grouping of the three nations of the FSM, the Marshalls Islands and Palau, also termed the Freely Associated States, which have entered into Compacts with the United States; and even the larger region within Oceania, a broad reference to all those islands and island states north or northeast of Melanesia and northwest of Polynesia.
Administrative History
The Spanish Period (1521-1899) began with initial discovery in the early 1500's, though Spain made little attempt to occupy or administer the islands until 1885, when the islands were incorporated into the the Spanish East Indies.
After the Spanish-American War, Spain sold the Palau, Caroline, and Marianas Islands to Germany in 1899. In this German Period (1899-1914), the Caroline, Palau and Mariana Islands (excluding Guam), along with the Marshalls, annexed in 1885, were titled Imperial German Pacific Protectorates. The Carolines become an administrative district of German New Guinea.
The Carolines were seized from the Germans by the Japanese early in World War I. The Islands were in 1920 mandated to Japan by the League of Nations. In this Japanese Period (1914-1941), the islands were administered by the “Nan'yō Cho” or South Seas Government.
Following liberation of the islands in the War in the Pacific, the islands were administered by the US Navy during the USN Period (1945-1947). The Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (TTPI) was formalized by United Nations Security Council Resolution 21 in 1947. The Navy passed governing duties to the Department of the Interior in 1951, initiating the TTPI Period (1947-1979).
Present Day FSM States
Yap State
Yap State is located in the Western Caroline Islands and consists of two very distinct cultural groupings: Yapese and Outer Islanders. Though Yap's Outer Islands are geographically and linguistically similar to the Outer Islands of Chuuk - and in some cases located in relative proximity - the Outer Islands of Yap were distinguished and influenced by their participation in the Sawei system, which oriented them toward Yap.
Yap is a group of four main islands and a dozen islets, separated by narrow channels, surrounded by a broad, fringing platform reef. It is comprised of Marbaa' (Yap Proper), Gagil-Tamil, Rumung, and Maap.
Outer Islands of Yap are the atolls and low coral islands outside of Yap, and include Eauripik, Elato, Fais, Faraulep, Gaferut, Ifalik, Lamotrek, Ngulu, Olimarao, Piagailoe, Satawal, Sorol, Ulithi, and Woleai.
Chuuk State
Chuuk State is located in the Central Caroline Islands. Culturally, it is simplest to consider Chuuk comprising two groups: those within Chuuk Lagoon, and the Outer Islanders of Chuuk who live beyond it. However, the distinction grows with distance, so at the margins an Outer Island of Chuuk far from the lagoon has more in common with an Outer Islander of Yap. This is contrasted with a relative similarity among islanders from within the Chuuk Lagoon and it's geographically closest "Outer Islands."
Chuuk Lagoon is a group of high volcanic and low coral and sand islands, and reefs, surrounded by a barrier reef. It is comprised of Faichuk, Southern Namoneas Islands, and the Northern Namoneas Islands.
Outer Islands of Chuuk are the atolls and low coral islands beyond Chuuk Lagoon, and include Hall Islands, Nomoi Islands, and Northwest Islands.
Pohnpei State
Pohnpei State is located in the Eastern Caroline Islands.
Pohnpei Island is a high volcanic island with several detached small islands lying within the barrier reef.
Outer Islands of Pohnpei are the coral atolls outside of Pohnpei and include Ant, Kapingamarangi , Mwoakilloa, Nukuoro, Oroluk, Pakin, Pingelap, Sapwuahfik.
Kosrae State
Kosrae State is located in the Eastern Caroline Islands, and was long administratively a subunit of Pohnpei, with which it also has historic ties, but in contrast to Pohnpei, the island's contemporary social organization is less influenced by traditional cultural hierarchies.
Kosrae is a high volcanic island with small islets connected by a platform reef.