TTPI Period (1947-1979)

From Habele Institute

Following liberation of the islands in the War in the Pacific, the islands were administered by the US Navy during the USN Period (1945-1947). The Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (TTPI) was formalized by United Nations Security Council Resolution 21 in 1947.

By Executive Order 9875 of 18 July, 1947 the responsibility for the civil administration of the trust territory was delegated to the Navy on an interim basis pending the enactment by the Congress of organic legislation for the area.The Navy passed governing duties to the Department of the Interior in 1951, formatting DOI's role, which would continue throughout the remainder of TTPI Period (1947-1979).


"Illustrative Cases From Military Occupations" was a handbook published in 1944 by the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Department of the Navy. The handbook provides brief anecdotes from historical incidents of military, including Micronesia.

The "Handbook of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 1948", was prepared at the School of Naval Administration, Hoover Institute, Stanford University, and was published by the Navy Department, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.

"A Brief History of Truk" is a portion of a standard welcome, or cover, letter that was provided to visitors and incoming employees set to arrive in Chuuk -at the time still called Truk- during the mid to late 1960s.