
From Habele Institute

Piagailoe is an atoll in the Western Caroline Islands.

Alternative spellings and historic names include: Fagauerak, Faiyao, Fajahu, Faliau, Faiom Faiu, Hujyao, West Faiu, and West Fayu

The coral atoll is located at 8° 05' N, 146° 44’ E, 46 miles north-northwest of Satawal  and 54 miles west of of Pikelot Island. Trowel-shaped, the atoll is about four miles long (E-W) and one and one half miles across at the widest part. Its only islet. long known as West Fayu, is about 300 yards long and 275 yards wide. From it radiate three reefs; one to the east, one to the south, and one to the west. The western reef curves south and east to enclose a lagoon, leaving a single passage in the southeast. The islet is thickly wooded and uninhabited, though often visited by natives from Satawal.

Piagailoe was discovered by Russian Friedrich Benjamin Graf von Lütke in 1828.

Piagailoe is a part of the Outer Islands of Yap within Yap State, one of four states comprising the Federated States of Micronesia.

As with many placenames in Micronesia, Piagailoe is a geographic 'pars pro toto', in which the name of a constitutive village, island or atoll is often used describe the larger island, atoll or island grouping in which it is the predominate member.

The atoll is outside of, but is owned by, the island of Satawal.