Atoll Research Bulletin

From Habele Institute

The Atoll Research Bulletin was issued by the Smithsonian Institution, to provide an outlet for information on the biota of tropical islands and reefs, and on the environment that supports the biota. The Bulletin was supported by the National Museum of Natural History and was produced by the Smithsonian Press.

The Bulletin was founded in 1951 and issued by the Pacific Science Board, National Academy of Sciences, with financial support from the Office of Naval Research. Its pages were devoted largely to reports resulting from the Pacific Science Board's Coral Atoll Program.


In June, 1946, the United States was preparing for its new role as administrator, under a U.N. Trusteeship agreement, of the large part of the Pacific that had been under Japanese domination before the War. As a way of collecting information, George Peter Murdock and Harold J. Coolidge representing the National Research Council of the National Academy of Science held a conference to discuss the current state of knowledge about Pacific Islands.

The participants recommended establishing a Pacific Science Board which would be composed of scientists specializing in a range of fields and geographic areas. lt would be dedicated to aiding scientists, advising policy makers, and furthering international cooperation. The Pacific Science Board formally came into existence later that year and remained active until 1969.

Among the projects the Pacific Science sponsored were the Coordinated Investigations of Micronesian Anthropology (CIMA), Scientific Investigations in Micronesia (SIM), Insect Control For Micronesia (ICCM), Scientific Investigation of Ryulcyus (SIRI), Pacific Island Rat Ecology (PIRATE), Biological Investigation of Pacific Area (BIPA), and surveys of Indonesia, Malaya,

Around 1950. the Pacific Science Board set up the Coral Atoll Program under the umbrella of Scientific Investigations of Micronesia. The Atoll Research Bulletin was envisioned as mechanism for the disseminating information about coral islands.

Early numbers of the Atoll Research Bulletin were composed mainly of Atoll Project reports. But there was a growing demand for a journal where researchers other than those supported through the Pacific Science Board could submit their articles. Harold Maude, in a 1958 letter, encouraged the Pacific Science Board to branch out into demographics, linguistics, and history, to solicit more articles, and to turn the Atoll Research Bulletin into a final publication, not just an interim way of getting timely research results out. He pointed out that for many researchers

While produced by the National Academy of Science, the Atoll Research Bulletin was usually funded by a grant from the Office of Naval Research. An average of Atoll Research Bulletins were published each year, contain between one and 14 numbers each of which is composed of either one authored work or several papers in an edited collection.

Selected Articles, by Author

Birkeland, Charles

1981. Acanthaster in the Cultures of High Islands. A.R.B. No. 255:55-59.

Occurrence of Acanthaster in traditional history, folklore and cultures of high islands of Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia. Speculation that Acanthaster outbreaks are nothing new. Native names and bibliography.

Blumenstock, David I.

1961. Wind, Wave, and Storm Conditions at Jaluit, January 7-8, 1958. In Blumenstock (editor) A Report on the Typhoon Effects Upon Jaluit Atoll. A.R.B. No. 75:5-20.

Native accounts of Typhoon Ophelia on Jaluit. Reconstruction of events and summary of evidence. Maps.

1961. A Report on Typhoon Effects Upon Jaluit Atoll. A.R.B. No. 75:1-105.

Documentation of wind, wave, and storm conditions at Jaluit in the Marshall Islands 1/7-8/1958 (Typhoon Ophelia) with accounts by natives. Charts and map.

Bryan, E. H.

1953. Introduction to the Geography of Atolls. A.R.B. No. 17:1-9.

Summary of features of coral atolls and theories of their formation. List of geographic subjects in need of investigation. Bibliography.

1953. Check List of Atolls. A.R.B. No. 19:1-38.

List of islands that qualify as "atolls" according to Coral Atoll Symposium (1951) definition. Includes synonymous names, longitudes and latitudes, informative notes, and references to U.S. Hydrographic Office charts.

Carroll, Vern

1964. Place Names on Nukuoro Atoll. A.R.B. No. 107:1-11.

Nukuoro (Polynesian outlier in Micronesia) native concepts of geography and island classes including man-made islands. Local place names and their etymologies.

Cox, Doak C.

1951. The Hydrology of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. A.R.B. No. 8:1-31.

Description of climate, tides, rain catchment and ground water of me Islet, Arno Atoll. Illustrations, sections, graphs.

Cox, Doak, Dan A. Davis & Chester K. Wentworth

1951. Geology and Ground Water of Atolls. A.R.B. No. 2:3-4.

Importance of geologic research and study of ground water on atolls. Summary of main data needs.

DeFilipps, Robert A., Shirley L. Maina & Leslie A. Pray

1988. The Palauan and Yap Medicinal Plant Studies of Masayoshi Okabe, 1941-1943. A.R.B. No. 317:1-25.

Edited translation of Masayoshi Okabe's work on Palauan and Yapese medicinal plants with biographical information about Okabe and a review of other literature pertaining to medicinal flora of Palau and Yap. Plant lists and bibliography.

Doran, Edwin

1961. Marshall Islands Landscape. In Doran (editor) Land Tenure in the Pacific. A.R.B. No. 85:11-16.

Comparison of Gilberts and Marshalls with discussion of land tenure and tenure of lagoons and marine resources. Maps.

1961. Land Tenure in the Pacific. A.R.B. No. 85:1-60.

Papers presented at the 10th Pacific Science Congress Symposium. Attempt to limit study areas to non-Westernized islands with representation from the entire Pacific. 12 papers, 6 localities. Map.

Engbring, John

1983. Avifauna of the Southwest Islands of Palau. A.R.B. No. 267:1-22.

Description of the SW Islands of Palau. List of 47 species of birds recorded there with comments on their habitats and ecology. Bibliography.

Falanruw, M. V. C

1971. Conservation in Micronesia. In Island News and Comment. A.R.B. No. 148:18-20.

The importance of implementing a conservation policy for Micronesia

Fosberg, F. Raymond

1953. Vegetation of Central Pacific Atolls, A Brief Summary. A.R.B. No. 23:1-25.

Description of Central Pacific atoll habitat, colonization by plants, succession and vegetational changes due to various causes, principal types and patterns of vegetation, and recommendations for future studies. Bibliography.

1955. Northern Marshall Islands Expedition, 1951-1952. Narrative. A.R.B. No. 38:1-37.

Narrative of two trips to the Northern Marshall Islands. collection documentation, maps, itinerary.

1955. Northern Marshall Islands Expedition, 1951-1952. Land Biota: Vascular Plants. A.R.B. No. 39:1-22.

Documentation of plant collections from Northern Marshall Islands. Marshallese plant names.

1961. Soils. In Blumenstock (editor) A Report on Typhoon Effects Upon Jaluit Atoll. A.R.B. No. 75:47-50.

The erosion of the soils on Jaluit as a result of Typhoon Ophelia.

1961. Flora and Vegetation. In Blumenstock (editor) A Report on Typhoon Effects Upon Jaluit Atoll. A.R.B. No. 75:51-56.

Damage to vegetation as a result of typhoon Ophelia and quick recovery.

1961. Typhoon Effects on Individual Species of Plants. In Blumenstock (editor) A Report onTyphoon Effects Upon Jaluit Atoll. A.R.B. No. 75:57-68.

Systematic list of species of plants on Jaluit and their specific responses to typhoon Ophelia.

1965. Introduction. In Fosberg and Carroll (editors) Terrestrial Sediments and Soils of the Northern Marshall Islands. A.R.B. No. 113:1-6.

General physical description of Northern Marshall atolls, climate, tides, cross-sections.

1965. Geology. In Fosberg and Carroll (editors) Terrestrial Sediments and Soils of the Northern Marshall Islands. A.R.B. No. 113:7-20.

Description of reefs, lagoons and islets in Northern Marshalls. Special discussion of reef development, beachrock and marginal ridges. Diagrams and photographs.

1966. Northern Marshall Islands Land Biota: Birds. A.R.B. No. 114:1-35.

Descriptions of Wake and Islands of the Northern Marshalls. Report of birds observed.

1969. Plants of Satawal Island, Caroline Islands. A.R.B. No. 132:1-13.

Vegetation and plant list from Satawal in the Caroline Islands with native plant names.

1970. Observations on the Green Turtle in the Marshall Islands. In Atoll News and Comment. A.R.B. No. 135:9-12.

Observations of green turtles from Jemo and Bikar in the Northern Marshalls with notes on egg laying and hatching.

1990. A Review of the Natural History of the Marshall Islands. A.R.B. No. 330:1-100.

Summary of knowledge about natural phenomena in the Marshall Islands. Geography, geologic history, climate, soils, hydrology, vegetation, and descriptions of each atoll and island. Bibliography.

Fosberg, F. Raymond and Michael Evans

1969. A Collection of Plants from Fais, Caroline Islands. A.R.B. No. 133:1-15.

Vegetation and plant list from Fais in the Caroline Islands with native plant names.

Gerber, Ray P.

1981. Species Composition and Abundance of Lagoon Zooplankton at Eniwetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. A.R.B. No. 247:1-22.

Study of species composition and abundance of lagoon zooplankton of Enewetak Atoll comparing winter and summer diversity. Map, bibliography, and chart.

Gressitt, J. Linsley

1952. Description of Kayangel Atoll, Palau Islands. A.R.B. No. 14:1-7.

Brief description of Kayangel Atoll in the Palau group. Vegetation, fauna, fresh water. Maps.

1953. Notes on Ngeruangl and Kayangel Atolls, Palau Islands. A.R.B. No. 21:1-5.

Short description of two atolls in the Palau group with list of plants collected by Gressitt from Kayangel.

1961. Terrestrial Fauna. In Blumenstock (editor) A Report on Typhoon Effects Upon Jaluit Atoll. A.R.B. No. 75:69-74.

Impact of typhoon Ophelia on terrestrial animals with observation that losses were low.

Grosenbaugh, Deborah A.

1981. Qualitative Assessment of Asteroids, Echinoids and Holothurians in Yap Lagoon. A.R.B. No. 255:49-54.

Survey of echinoderms in Yap Lagoon resulting from concern about Acatithaster planci. Bibliography.

Hass, Hans

1962. Central Subsidence. A New Theory of Atoll Formation. A.R.B. No. 91:1-4.

Results of research on atoll formation in the Maldives and Nicobars. Summary of theoretical issues and presentation of theory of central subsidence due to instability of inner structure of branching corals. Photographs, maps, diagrams.

Hatheway, William H.

1953. The Land Vegetation of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. A.R.B. No. 16:1-68.

Description of vegetation of Arno with emphasis on economic plants, vegetation change, and history. Bibliography and many maps.

1957. Agricultural Notes on the Southern Marshall Islands, 1952. A.R.B. No. 55:1-9.

Discussion of several blights infecting coconut and breadfruit plantations, and general remarks on agriculture of the Southern Marshalls.

Hiatt, Robert W.

1951. Marine Zoology Study of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. A.R.B. No. 4:1-13.

Summary of marine resource utilization on Arno.

Kondo, Yoshio

1961. Gastropod Molluscs Collected by J.L. Gressitt. In Blumenstock (editor) A Report on Typhoon Effects Upon Jaluit Atoll. A.R.B. No. 75:105.

List of land and marine species of gastropod mollusks collected by Gressitt.

Marsh, James A. and Roy T. Tsuda

1973. Population Levels of Acanthasterplanci in the Mariana and Caroline Islands, 1969-1972. A.R.B. No. 170:1-16

Survey of Acanthasterplanci in Mariana Islands, Palau, Yap, Central Caroline Islands, Pohnpei, and outer islands. Results of a symposium 1970. Bibliography and charts.

Marshall, J. T.

1951. Vertebrate Ecology of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. A.R.B. No. 3:1-38.

Summary of terrestrial vertebrate fauna on Arno. Remarks about human parasites and termites. Thoughts on carrying capacity concept. Distribution maps.

Marshall, Mac

1975. The Natural History of Namoluk Atoll, Eastern Caroline Islands. A.R.B. No. 189:1-54.

Physical description of Namoluk with description of flora and fauna of island. Special mention of Acanthasterplanci. Native plant and bird names. Bird, mollusk and plant lists. Photographs and bibliography.

Mason, Leonard

1952. Anthropology-Geology Study of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. A.R.B. No. 10:1-21.

Description of the natural resources and demographic situation of Arno with comments on acculturation, war effects, commerce, political authority, and land. Map and proposed orthography (by Elbert) appended.

1953. Suggestions for Investigating the Cultures of Atoll Peoples. A.R.B. No. 17:111-115.

Basic cultural and demographic features to describe in atoll communities with a sample census card from Arno.

Mason, Leonard and Harry Uyehara

1953. A Quantitative Study of Certain Aspects of the Man-Land Relationship in Marshallese Economy. at Arno Island. A.R.B. No. 17:116-121.

Description of Llyehara's economic anthropology research on Arno with recommendations that additional research pertaining to demographics and the economics of production and consumption be done. Sample survey questionnaire from Arno.

McKee, Edwin D.

1956. Geology of Kapingamarangi Atoll, Caroline Islands. A.R.B. No. 50:1-38. Description of the geology, petrology, soils, phosphorite deposits, and ground water of Kapingamarangi. Maps, charts, tables, and bibliography.

1961. Island Structures and Their Modification. In Blumenstock (editor) A Report on Typhoon Effects Upon Jaluit Atoll. A.R.B. No. 75:37-40.

Description of Typhoon Ophelia's effect on island structures. Charts and diagrams.

1961. Removal of Fine Sediments from Islets. In Blumenstock (editor) A Report on Typhoon Effects Upon Jaluit Atoll. A.R.B. No. 75:41-42.

Typhoon Ophelia's destruction of sediments.

1961. Ground Water. In Blumenstock (editor) A Report on Typhoon Effects Upon Jaluit Atoll. A.R.B. No. 75:43-46.

Typhoon Ophelia's effect on ground water quality with analyses of water from various wells.

Miller, Ralph E.

1953. Health Report on Kapingamarangi. A.R.B. No. 20:1-42.

Three parts: I. A health survey describing aspects of Kapingamarangi that influence health, disease incidence, demographic profile, epidemiological history, ethnomedicine. II: Parasitologic survey with data for individuals. III: Blood groups represented.

Murai, Mary

1954. Nutrition Study in Micronesia. A.R.B. No. 27:1-239.

Nutrition studies of Majuro, Marshall Islands and Udot, Truk with comparative notes. Lists of foods, food habits and dietary patterns, survey results with emphasis on children, analysis of diet, and recommendations. Tables, Bibliography, local food names.

Neas, Maynard

1961. Land Ownership Patterns in the Marshall Islands. In Doran (editor) Land Tenure in the Pacific. A.R.B. No. 85:17-24.

Social, political and economic aspects of land tenure in the Marshalls. Land use patterns and rights and obligations of Marshallese. Difficulties of administration in present "chaotic* condition.

Niering, William A.

1956. Bioecology of Kapingamarangi Atoll, Caroline Islands: Terrestrial Aspects. A.R.B. No. 49:1-32. Description of land biota of Kapingamarangi with reference to human utilization of plants and animals. Past vegetation and present trends. Maps, species lists, diagrams, and bibliography.

1961. Observations on Puluwat and Gaferut, Caroline Islands. A.R.B. No. 76:1-10. Flora, geology, soils, vegetation and fauna of Puluwat, with speculation about the origin of the phosphate deposits on Gaferut. Bibliography and aerial photo.

Rapaport, Moshe

1990. Population Pressure on Coral Atolls: Trends and Approaching Limits. A.R.B. No. 340:1-33.

Discussion of atoll resources, economies and land tenure. Proposal of a dynamic measure of carrying capacity based on global economics and perception as well as locally derived food. Contrast of dependent and independent atolls. Bibliography and tables.

Sachet, Marie-Helene

1961. Historical and Climatic Information on Gaferut Island. A.R.B. No. 76:11-15.

History of Gaferut with short discussion of soils, geology, and climate. Bibliography.

Scott, G. A. J. and G. M. Rotondo

1983. A Model for the Development of Types of Atolls and Volcanic Islands on the Pacific Lithospheric Plate. A.R.B. No. 260:1-33.

A model to explain the development of all major Pacific plate island types with literature review. Bathymetric data, charts, maps, diagrams, profiles, bibliography.

Spoehr, Alexander

1951. Coral Atolls and Man. A.R.B. No. 1:21.

Why coral atoll research is important to people — argument for cultural ecological perspective and recommendations for research relating to environment and culture.

Stone, Earl L.

1951. The Soils of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. A.R.B. No. 5:1-56.

Physical factors and biological factors of soil formation. Characteristics of soils on Arno. Maps and tables.

1951. The Agriculture of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. A.R.B. No. 6:1-46.

Description of utilitarian plants of Arno with native names.

Thomas, John Byron & Mary Durand Thomas

1981. Meteorological Data from Ulul Island, Namonuito Atoll. A.R.B. No. 255:39-42. Meteorological observations (temperatures, relative humidity, and rainfall) from Ulu’, Island, Namonuito Atoll in the Central Caroline Islands. Table.

Tobin, Jack

1952. Land Tenure in the Marshall Islands. A.R.B. No. 11:1-36.

Categories of land and land and marine resource ownership. Map, bibliography, lineage chart, glossary.

Tsuda , Roy T.

1972. Some Marine Benthic Algae from Truk and Kuop, Caroline Islands. A.R.B. No. 155:1-10.

List of marine benthic algae from Chuuk (Truk) and Kuop atoll. Bibliography.

1981. Marine Benthic Algae of Kayangel Atoll, Palau. A.R.B. No. 255:43-48.

Preliminary survey of marine benthic algae from Kayangel Atoll, Palau Islands. Bibliography.

Tsuda, Roy T., Steven S. Amesbury & Steven C. Moras

1977. Preliminary Observations on the Algae, Corals, and Fishes Inhabiting the Sunken Ferry "Fujikawa Maru" in Chuuk (Truk) Lagoon. A.R.B. No. 212:1-6.

Check list of algae found growing on or near a sunken ship in Truk lagoon with discussion about zonation pattern and algae habitats. Bibliography.

Tsuda, Roy T. and Mary S. Belk

1972. Additional Records of Marine Benthic Algae from Yap, Western Caroline Islands. A.R.B. No. 156:1-5.

Collections of marine benthic algae not previously recorded from Yap. Bibliography.

Usinger, Robert L. and Ira L. Rivers

1953. The Insect Life of Arno. A.R.B. No. 15:1-28.

Description of habitats of insect groups on Arno with a discussion of insect pests in agriculture and human health. Speculations about the origin, dispersal and speciation of insects on Arno. Tables outlining insect communities.

Wallace, G. D.

1970. Tomplasmosis on Caroline Atolls. In Atoll News and Comment. A.R.B. No. 135:9.

Short discussion on epidemiology of toxoplasmosis on Eauripik, Ifalik, and Woleai probably due to cats or rats.

Wells, John W.

1951. The Coral Reefs of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. A.R.B. No. 9:1-29.

Structure and physical processes in reef formation. Description of characteristic coral and algae assemblages in different reef zones. List of coral genera, maps, graphs.

1953. Geologic Studies of Atolls. A.R.B. No. 17:14-15.

Outline of geologic features of atolls to give an idea of data and materials to be collected and studied.

Wiens, Herold J.

1956. The Geography of Kapingamarangi Atoll. A.R.B. No. 48:1-86.

History of Kapingamarangi, description of topography, climate, currents, tides, vegetation, land fauna, agriculture, and livelihood of population. Reference to each islet. Tables and bibliography.

1957. Field Notes on Atolls Visited in the Marshalls, 1956. A.R.B. No. 54:1-23. General description with an emphasis on vegetation of Ailinglaplap, Ailuk, Arno, Ebon, Jaluit, Kili, Kwajelein, Likiep, Majuro, Maloelap, Mejit, Namu, Rongelap, and Utirik.

1961. General Description of Storm Effects. In Blumenstock (editor) A Report on Typhoon Effects Upon Jaluit Atoll. A.R.B. No. 75:21-36.

Description of damage from Typhoon Ophelia on each islet in Jaluit.