
From Habele Institute

Conflict over the Carolines, 1884-1887, is the thirty-first volume of the History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents (HOM), compiled and edited by Rodrique Levesque. It is the eleventh volume in the HOM second series (HOM.S2).


The History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents, Volume 31, Conflict over the Carolines, 1884-1887.

The History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents was complied, edited and published by Rod Levesque. Copyrights were obtained by the Habele Outer Island Education Fund, a US nonprofit, in 2022, which digitized the content to facilitate noncommercial access to, and use of, the series. The PDF file for HOM.31 is roughly 59MB.

Table of Contents

1884N Petition of the resident of Yap to the Spanish government

1884T Statistical reports for the Marianas

1885K Proposal to move the Carolinians from Guam and Rota to Saipan

1885L Project for an industrial colony in the Marianas, by F. Chacon Lara

1885N Occupation of the Carolines by the Spanish

1885O The visit of the cruiser Velasco, Captain Butron, to Yap

1885P Commander Butron's report on Yap and Palau

1885Q Decree creating a government for the western Carolines

1885R Instructions given to Governor Capriles

1885S The instructions given to the three Spanish warships

1885T Occupation of the Carolines by both Spain and Germany; The Yap Conflict

1885U Report of Governor-elect Capriles

1885V The Iltis Affair—Occupation of Yap by the Germans, August 1885

1885W Report of Commander Espana, commander of the San Quintin

1885X The Yap Conflict—Kubary's eyewitness report

1885S Letters to the Governor of the Marianas about the Caroline question

1885Z The annexation of the Marshall Islands by Germany

1885AA The occupation of Palau by German ships

1885AB S.M.S. Albatross visited Chuuk and other islands in September

1885AC Blumentritt's paper on Spanish rights to the Carolines

1885AD Occupation of Carolines—The aftermath—A tempest in a teapot?

1885AF The Velasco sent to Yap in December 1885

1885AG The settlement of the Caroline Island dispute with Germany

1885AH The voyages of the German bark Bradeka, 1885-87

1885AI The Fleetwing of San Francisco, Captain Gifford, 1885-86

1885AJ Official budget for the Marianas, 1885-1886

1884AK Chart of Tomil Harbor, Yap

1886A The settlement of the Caroline Island dispute with England

1886B Effective occupation of the Caroline Islands by Spain

1886C Report on a mission to Palau by the Marques del Duero

1886E The death of Captain Holcomb

1886F Father Ibafiez' requests for his salary as military chaplain

1886G Shipping report from Yap, February-March 1886

1886H The Spanish finally took formal possession of Yap

18861 Official orders to occupy the Carolines

1886J Agreement between England and Germany on their spheres of influence in the western Pacific

1886K SMS Bismarck brought Dr. Knappe to Jaluit

18861, Official report on the Marshall Islands

1886M HMS Miranda, Captin Rooke

1886N Revised instructions for the Governor of the western Carolines

1886P Report of the voyage of the Manila, Captain Bayo, taking possession of the Carolines

1886Q The establishment of the Spanish colony at Yap

1886R Capuchin missionaries selected for the Carolines

1886S Deed for land granted to Protestant Mission at Owa, Pohnpei

1886T Governor Eliza's visit to Goror Village, Yap

1886U Captain O'Keefe forbidden to fire his cannon, etc.

1886V Plans for the Government Houses at Yap and Pohnpei

1886W Expedition to the town of Kanif, Yap

1886X Ship movements for Yap, 1886-1896 period

1886Y The Buster, Captain Theet, 1886-87

1886Z Population statistics for the Mariana Islands

1887A Yap—Reports of interim Governor Gil

1887B Instructions given to the Governors of the Eastern Carolines

1887C Visit of the Provincial of the Capuchins—Narrative of Fr. Joaquin Llevaneras

1887D Idem—Narrative of his Secretary, Fr. Ambrosio Valencina

1887E Report on the Island of Yap, by Governor Torres

1887F Regulation for Yap (in Yapese, etc.), March 1887

1887H Actions of Governor Posadillo upon arrival at Pohnpei

18871 The visit of the French naturalist Alfred Marche to the Marianas

1887J The Doane Affair, April-July 1887

18871, Shipwreck of the English barque Afton

1887N The General Philippine Exhibition at Madrid

1887O Investigation of the first Pohnpei Rebellion

1887P The Pohnpei Rebellion—Detailed reports transmitted by Admiral Lobaton on 22 September

1887Q Military citations, foreigners living on Pohnpei

1887R Complaints made by king of Metalanim against Cristiam Barbfis

1887S Contacts with the chiefs of Sokehs and Not in September

1887U The Pohnpei Rebellion—Official report from Manila

1887V Appointment of Governor Cadarso, his instructions

1887W Press report from Manila, dated 27 September 1887

1887X Other news reports published in Madrid

1887Z Pohnpei Rebellion—Stolen objects recovered

1887AA Idem—Offer of help from the Germans in Jaluit

1887AB Governor Cadarso's first reports from Pohnpei

1887AC Madrid advised of the re-establishment of the Colony at Pohnpei

1887AD Two letters of Rev. Doane to Spanish authorities

1887AE Claim of German trader in Pohnpei rejected by Spanish government

1887AF Christian Barbs returned to Pohnpei

1887AG Legal framework for the Marshall Islands

Publication Details

Lévesque Rodrigue. History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents; Conflict over the Carolines, 1884-1887. Gatineau Québec: Lévesque Publications; 2005.

ISBN 978-0-920201-31-2