
From Habele Institute

More Turmoil in the Marianas, 1679-1683, is the seventh volume of the History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents (HOM), compiled and edited by Rodrique Levesque.


The History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents, Volume 7, More Turmoil in the Marianas

The History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents was complied, edited and published by Rod Levesque from 1992 to 2002. Copyrights were obtained by the Habele Outer Island Education Fund, a US nonprofit, in 2022, which digitized the content to facilitate noncommercial access to, and use of, the twenty-volume series. The PDF file for HOM.07 is roughly 65MB.

Levesque's Summary

Volume 7 contains 89 chapters totalling about 131 documents covering the civilian and religious activities of the Spanish colony in the Mariana Islands during this period. The murders of missionaries and armed reprisals continued, with the assistance of a native militia. The soldiers built better protection for themselves, and the yearly galleon stops at Umatac became routine. The first government regulations were issued by the Governor of the Philippines. The first Governor directly appointed by the King arrived at Guam; he was Colonel Saravia. Captain Quiroga also arrived; this man was to be the most influential non-Jesuit foreigner until his death in the 1720s.

—List of the 12 illustrations, including maps and special re-constructions of building methods in Guam in the 1680s, and a foreword that summarizes the events of the period.

—The main chapter is a discussion of the first book published about Micronesia, i.e. Father Garcia’s History of the Mariana Islands, which was really about the life and times of Fr. Sanvitores. Many corrections are made to this important, but secondary, reference book.

—The little-known Battle of Pigpug in November 1678 is highlighted, because it is typical of the period and may lead archaeologists to an undisturbed historical site.

—The first government regulations for the Marianas were issued by Governor Vargas of the Philippines in 1679, and reaffirmed in 1680.

—Tarrague on the north coast of Guam was the largest native settlement up to that time, with 76 houses.

—Umatac on the west coast of Guam became a regular port-of-call for galleons as of 1673.

—The 1678 Map of Guam by Pilot Sorondo shows an incorrect orientation but an exact latitude.

—Colonel Saravia became the first Governor of the Marianas to be officially appointed by the King of Spain himself.

—The royal order to bring in 200 Filipinos to Guam was not carried out, for lack of ship transport.

—The progress of Father Klein, a German Jesuit who would later feature prominently in the exploration of the Carolines, is charted from Italy to Spain, and to Mexico.

—Other Jesuits from Germany, Moravia, Austria and Italy also appear upon the scene at this time.

—Captain Guiroga, an honest man, was to spend the rest of his life in Guam, and yet remain a bachelor. His first report to the Duchess of Aveiro mentions many interesting points on routine life, both inside and outside the garrison, including the only mention ever made of sacred skulls with stones on top of them, and the destruction of the last bachelor houses.

—Chief Hineti was typical of a local leader who sided with the Spanish and participated in the search for those who had murdered missionaries, and in their punishment.

—The native population was “reduced” to a few large settlements, and the first hospital was created inside the colony. The first interracial marriages also took place. Young Christian men were often fanatical.

—By 1680, the colony had stone walls (actually adobe) and 7 horses, with other “modern” conveniences. There were then 10 priests and 3 assistants to educate the population.

—The first study report on the strategic importance of the Marianas was produced during this period.

—Other events included the arrival of goats, and the creation of the first permament mission station in Rota Island. Plans were being made to build the first stone fort at Agana, Guam.

Table of Contents

1679A A petition about the Mariana Islands, by Fr. Pantoja

1679B Financial accounts of the Mariana Mission, period 1668-78

1679C Letter from Fr. Vidal to Fr. Francisco Ximénez, dated Tepotzlán 24 March 1679

1679D Letter from Fr. Vidal regarding financial matters, dated Mexico 8 June 1679

1679E Letter from Fr. Coomans to Fr. de Pape, Agaña 30 May 1679

1679F Jesuit annual reports for 1678-1679

1679G Answers to the decree of 1 July 1677 regarding the mission boat

1679H Letter from Governor Vargas to the King, postdated Manila 20 June 1679, with enclosures

1679I Map of Guam, drawn in 1678 by Pilot Fernando Sorondo

1679J Report by the secretary of the Council of the Indies, 2 July 1679

1679K The appointment of Antonio Saravia as Governor of Marianas

1679L Royal order for the colonization of the Marianas

1679M Fr. Anthony Thomas and the Duchess of Aveiro, 1679-1680

1679N The missionaries who did not leave Spain in 1678, but in 1680

16790 Fr. Klein and companions and their voyage from Italy to Spain

1679P Four letters by Fr. Strobach sent from Spain in 1678 and 1679

1679Q Letter from Fr. Neuman, dated Seville 15 August 1679

1680A Letter from Governor Vargas to the Duchesss of Aveiro, dated Manila 15 January 1680

1680B The Mariana Mission finds a rich benefactor

1680C Letter from Fr. Cardeñoso to Fr. Tirso Gonzalez, dated Agaña 3 May 1680

1680D Letter from Captain Quiroga to the Duchess of Aveiro, dated Marianas 10 May 1680

1680E Memorandum regarding the Mariana Island Mission, dated 25 May 1680

1680F Jesuit annual report for 1679-1680, by Fr. Besco

1680G Governor Vargas forwarding the annual report for 1678-79

1680H Long report from Fr. Coomans to Fr. de Pape, dated Agaña 6 June 1680

1680I Letter from Fr. Coomans to Fr. van Coukerken, 6 June 1680

1680J Letter from Fr. Besco to Fr. Espinar, dated Agafta 10 June 1680

1680K Letter from Fr. Thomas Vallejo to Fr. Tirso Gonzalez, dated Guam 14 June 1680

1680L Letter from Fr. Salgado to the Duchess of Aveiro, dated Taytay (Philippines) 20 June 1680

1680M Excerpt from the annual report for the Philippine Province for 1679-1680 268

1680N Letter from Fr. Palavicino to the Duchess of Aveiro, dated, Manila 24 June 1680

1680O Three letters from Joseph de Veitia Linage, dated Madrid 1680

1680P Letters from Fr. Kino to the Duchess of Aveiro in 1680

1680Q Instruction issued by Governor Vargas to Captain José de Quiroga, dated Manila 7 September 1680 290

1680R Royal Decree of 30 October 1680

1680S Royal decrees of November 1680 regarding the Marianas

1680T Jesuit annual report for 1679- 1680,byFr. Xaramillo

1680U Remnants of mission bands that left Spain in 1680

1680V Study of the strategic importance of the Marianas, ca.1680

1680W Letter from Fr. Strobach to Fr. de Boye, dated 4 June 1680

1681A First printed biography of Fr. Sanvitores, by Fr. Garcia, with a history of the Marianas up to 1681; Anonymous letter to Fr. Garcia, dated Marianas, 25 May 1676

1681B Population of the Mariana Islands in early times, by Fr. Pastor

1681C News from Manila in 1681 Welt-Bott Der Neue Welt-Bott [The New-World Messenger]

1681D Letter from Fr. Boranga to Fr. David Loys, dated Acapulco 27 March 1681 428

1681E Letter from Fr. Bouwens to Fr. Salgado in Manila, dated Guam 20 May 1681

1681F Eulogy of Fr .Bartolomé Besco

1681G Letter from Fr. Solorzano to Fr. Francisco Garcia, dated Guam 20 May 1681, postdated 28 May

1681H Letter from Fr. Solorzano to the Duchess of Aveiro, dated Agaña 24 May 1681

1681I Jesuit annual report for 1680-1681, by Fr. Solorzano

1681J Letter from Fr. Bustillo to Fr. Francisco Garcia, 27 May 1681

1681K Letter from Captain Quiroga(?) to the Duke of Arcos,

1681M Journal of Fr. Klein’s voyage from Cadiz to Mexico in 1681

1681N Letter from Fr. Bustillo to Fr. Andres de Alava, dated Marianas 15 June 1681

1681O Letter,from Fr. Francisco Messina to Fr. Pedro de Espinar, dated Manila 5 June 1681

1681P Letter from Fr. Xaramillo to the King, Manila 17 June 1681 488

1681Q Letter from Fr. Francisco de Borga [y Aragon] to the Duchess ofbAveiro, dated aboard the San Telmo, 8 July 1681

1681R The General who was jailed for refusing to go to the Marianas

1681S Two letters from the King to Governor Vargas, 28 July 1681

1681T Reports on the Mariana Islands, ca.1681

1682A Letter from Fr. Paul Klein to a Bohemian Jesuit, dated Mexico 16February 1682

1682B Letters from Fr. Zarzosa to Fr. Provincial of Andalusia, dated Guam 1 May 1682

1682C Letters from Fr. Tilpe to Fr. Espinar, Agadña 15 May 1682

1682D Jesuit annual reports for 1681-1682, by Fr. Solorzano, “Confidential report to Fr. Gen. Oliva, dated 25 May 1682; Official report, dated 29 May 1682

1682E Composite report for 1680-1682, by Fr. Coomans

1682F Letter from Fr. Coomans to Fr. de Pape, Rota 25 May 1682

1682G Letter from Fr. Coomans to Fr. van Coukerken, Rota 25 May

1682H Report on the Mariana Island Mission, by Fr. Strobach 587

16821 Account of the events in the Mariana Islands, by Fr. Angelis

1682J Other letters written by Fr. Solorzano in 1682

1682K Letters from Captain Quiroga to the Duchess of Aveiro in 1682

1682L Letter from Fr. Antonio Rodriguez to the Duchess of Aveiro, dated Manila 4 June 1682

1682M Letter from Fr. Salgado to the Duchess of Aveiro, dated Manila 8 June 1682

1682N Two letters from Governor Saravia, Ritidian 10 June 1682

1682O Letter from Fr. Xaramillo to the Duchess of Aveiro, dated Manila 17 June 1682

1682P Letter from Fr. Francisco de Borja to the Duchess of Aveiro, dated Manila 22 June 1682

1682Q Letter from Fr. José Gregorio to the Duchess of Aveiro, dated aboard ship, 29 June 1682

1682R Letter from Fr. Jacinto Garcia to the Duchess of Aveiro, dated Manila 14 August 1682 1682S Royal decree dated San Lorenzo 21 October 1682

1682T Letter from Fray Francisco Ximénez to the Duchess of Aveiro, dated Mexico 11 December 1682

1682U Letter from Fray Manuel de Santa Cruz to the Duchess of Aveiro, about his 1669 visit, etc.

1682V Petitions to the King for free transport of goods shipped to the Marianas

1683A Letter from the King to the Viceroy, Madrid 28 January 1683

1683B The legal case against Pilot Francisco Lazcano

1683C Letter from Bishop Pizarro to the King, Manila 24 Feb. 1683

1683D Royal decree of 31 March 1683 regarding the early dispatch of a vessel to the Marianas

1683E Letter from Fr. Zarzosa to Fr. Juan de la Fuente, Guam 28 April

1683F The peripatetic galleon Santa Rosa, 1682-1684

1683G Letter from Fr. Strobach to Fr. Provincial of Bohemia, dated Sosa [Rota], 21 May 1683

Publication Details

Lévesque Rodrigue. History of Micronesia : A Collection of Source Documents. Vol. 7 More Turmoil in the Marianas: 1679-1683. Gatineau Québec: Lévesque Publications; 1996.

ISBN-10: 0920201075

ISBN-13: 978-0920201077

LCC: DU500 .H58 2000