
From Habele Institute

Traders Join Whalers and the Dutaillis Expedition, 1845-1852, is the twenty-fifth volume of the History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents (HOM), compiled and edited by Rodrique Levesque. It is the fifth volume in the HOM second series (HOM.S2).


The History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents, Volume 25, Traders Join Whalers and the Dutaillis Expedition, 1845-1852.

The History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents was complied, edited and published by Rod Levesque. Copyrights were obtained by the Habele Outer Island Education Fund, a US nonprofit, in 2022, which digitized the content to facilitate noncommercial access to, and use of, the series. The PDF file for HOM.25 is roughly 85MB.

Table of Contents

1845K The ship Chariot, Captain Obed Luce, 1845-57

1845L The ship Virginia, Captain Joseph Chase, 1845-46

1845M Logbook of the Zephyr, Captain Smith 20 1845N The William and Eliza, Captain Whitfield, 1845

1846C Costs of repairing Fort Santa Cruz and other works

1846D Population statistics—Census of the Marianas for 1846

1846E Caroline Islands visited by ship Chandler Price

1846F Loss of the whale ship Columbia at Nonouti

1846G Some ships that were in the Pacific Ocean in 1845, 1846, and 1847

1846H The Ranald MacDonal story—Treasure trove found by beachcombers at Pagan Island

18461 The Splendid, Captain Baylies, 1846-48

1846J The Gambia, Captain Joseph Hartwell

1846K The Henry Tuke, Captain Champlin

1846L The ship Lucy Ann of Greenport, Captain Edwin P. Brown

1846M The ship Navigator, Captain George Palmer

1846N The merchant bark Zotoff, Captain Benjamin Wallis

1846O The Stephania, Captain Coggesshall

1847D The adventures of Andrew J. Pettyjohn, a beachcomber at Pohnpei

1847E Mrs. Pfeiffer's first voyage across the Pacific—From Tahiti to China

1847F The Catherine, Captain Cotton L. Pratt

1847G The Canadian whaler Athol of St. John, Captain Coffin

1847H Voyage of the Athol—The narrative of Benjamin Doane

18471 Captain Woodin's trading voyages

1847J The Canadian whaler James Stewart, Captain Kenney, 1847-48

1847K The Uncas of New Bedford, Captain Charles W. Gelett

1847L The Ann Alexander, Captain Sawtell

1847M The Golconda II, Captain Studley, via the Marshalls

1847N A visit to the Marianas in 1847

1847O The Atkins Adams, Captain Samuel Lane

1847P The reported loss of 17 U.S. whalers in a typhoon was incorrect

1847Q Some whalemen lost for 11 days near the Gilberts

1847R The Dutaillis expedition to Mili, to investigate the Angelina incident

1847S The Dutaillis expedition—Narrative of Midshipman Julien Halligon

1847T The Triton Incident at Nonouti in 1847

1847Y The schooner Alfred, Captain John Davenport, 1847-50

1847Z The Eliza Adams, Captain Ephraim Harding, 1847-48

1847AB Chronicle of the Mariana Islands, from 1847 to 1899

1848E Correspondence of Governor Perez for 1848

1848F A sketch of Guam in 1848

1848G A sketch of Kosrae in 1848

18481 The ship Erie, Captain Ishabod Norton

1848J Merchant ships that visited Honolulu in 1848

1848K Supposed discovery of an island in Micronesia

18481 The barque Maria, Captain Sproule, visited Wake Island

1848M The ship Liverpool II, Captain Charles West

1848N The Champion of New Bedford, Captain A. F. Parker

1848O Visit made to Guam by the French ship Bayonnaise, Captain Jurien de la Graviere

1848P The ship Elizabeth, Captain Baker, 1848-50

1848Q The Olympia, Captain Woodward

1848R The bark Fortune, Captain Ebenezer Woodbridge

1848S The Julian, Captain Taber

1849A The correspondence of Governor Perez for 1849

1849B The epidemic of 1849 and its consequences

1849C The story of the 'Canadian' Doctor William George

1849E Shipping news, Boston newspapers, 1849

1849F The Maria Theresa, Captain Micah Swift

1849G The Champion, Captain Colt

1849H The Ocmulgee, Captain F. W. Manter

18491 The ship Abigail, Captain George E. Young

1849J The mutiny aboard the whaler Planter, Captain Hussey

1849K The Awashonks, Captain Smith

18491 The ship Barclay, Captain Baker

1849M The Massachusetts, Captain Seth Nickerson

1849N The Henry Kneeland, Captain George H. Clark

1850A Visit of the French warship Bayonnaise to Kosrae in 1850

1850B Trouble between Governor Perez and Father Acosta

1850C The Good Return, Captain Cook, visited Kosrae

1850D The Bowditch, Captain Waldron

1850E The ship Marengo, Captain Devoll

1850F The Gratitude and the Marcus near the Gilberts

1850G The Mount Vernon, Captain Willis

1850H The William Melville attacked at Kwajalein, etc.

18501 The Freak's hurricane near the Marianas in 1850

1850J The Sea Breeze, Captain George Newell

1850K The Ganges, Captain Thomas Cola, 1850-52

1850L The Roscoe, Captain Joseph R. Gorham

1850M Life and adventures in the South Pacific—Aboard the Emily Morgan, Captain Ewer

1850N Dr. Rabe's papers—Part 7—The oral history of Koror, by William Gibbons

1850O The Cavalier, Captain Thomas Dexter

1851A List of foreigners residing in Guam in 1851

1851B The schooner Secret, based at Guam, 1851-56

1851C The 65 convicts who were sent to Guam from Manila in 1851

1851D Shipping news for 1851

1851E The Boy, of Warren, cut off at Pingelap

1851F The brig Rodolph lost at Tabiteuea in December

1851G Report on the Marianas, from an American perspective

1851H Salted Tories—The story of the whaling fleets of San Francisco

18511 The schooner Wanderer visited the Gilberts and Banaba

1851J The U S Saratoga

1851K The whaler Saratoga, Captain Ephraim Harding

l851L The bark Timor of Sag Harbor, Caaptain Edward M. Baker

1841M The logbooks of the bark Fortune, Captain Hathaway

1851N Logbook of the Hibernia II, Captain Baker

1841O The Washington of New Bedford visited Pohnpei

1851P Captain Woodin visited Pohnpei and Palau

1851Q The whaler Harvest, Captain Almy

1851R The voyage of the Arco Iris around the world

1851S The Charles W. Morgan, Captain John D. Sampson, 1851-52

1852A The Canton Packet, Captain Howland

1852B The William Hamilton, Captain Shockley

1852C The Montpelier, commanded by lonesome Captain Tucker

1852D The Condor, Captain Kempton

1852E The ship Niagara, Captain Benjamin Clough

1852F The bark J. E. Donnell, Captain William Earle

1852G Shipping news for 1852

Publication Details

Lévesque Rodrigue. History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents; Traders Join Whalers and the Dutaillis Expedition, 1845-1852. Gatineau Québec: Lévesque Publications; 2003.
