
From Habele Institute

More Whalers and the Wilkes' Expedition, 1839-1845, is the twenty-fourth volume of the History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents (HOM), compiled and edited by Rodrique Levesque. It is the fourth volume in the HOM second series (HOM.S2).


The History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents, Volume 24, More Whalers and the Wilkes' Expedition, 1839-1845

The History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents was complied, edited and published by Rod Levesque. Copyrights were obtained by the Habele Outer Island Education Fund, a US nonprofit, in 2022, which digitized the content to facilitate noncommercial access to, and use of, the series. The PDF file for HOM.24 is roughly 65MB.

Table of Contents

1839C Published notes on Pohnpei Island, etc. by Captain Blake

1839F logbook of the whaler Ohio of Nantucket

1839G Logbook of the Gideon Howland of New Bedford

1839I Recollect mission in the Marianas

1839J The two Heralds and the story of a Captain's wife ashore

1839K Carolinian settlement in Saipan

1840A Trade in the Caroline Islands, by Captain Du Pemet

1840B Survey of Pohnpei by Ensign Fisquet of the Danaide, Capt. Rosamel

1840C Mallat's description of the Marianas

1840D The log of the Charles Drew, Captain Bonney

1840E The illustrated logbook of the ship Martha of Fairhaven

1840F The Marshall Bennett, Captain Hunter, visited Nukuoro

1840G The ship Courier of New Bedford, Captain Edward Harding

1840H The tondon Packet, Captain Sampson, 1840-42

1840I The Gipsy, Captain John Gibson, 1840-42—logbook of Dr. Wilson

1840J The Gipsy—The narrative of Thomas Smith

1840K The voyage of the British whaler Sussex, 1840-44, by Henry Foster

1840L Sketches of Pohnpei, from the logbook of the Brixton

1840M Canadian whalers in Micronesia, 1850-1850, by Rod Levesque

1841A Captain T. Beckford Simpson—British Seamen in the Pacific, 1851

1841B The ship Sharon of Fairhaven, Captain Norris

1841C The early years of Captain Charles W. Gelett

1841D The Venezuelan traveller Francisco Michelena y Rojas

1841E The shipwreck of the Isabella, Captain McAusland, in the Carolines

1841F The ship William Hamilton, Captain William Swain

1841G Captain Godby's visit to Ngatik in the Clarinda

1841H The voyage of the Florentia, Captain Goodwyn, via Guam, in 1840

18411 The Wilkes' Expedition—Introductory chapter

1841J The Wilkes' Expedition—The narrative of Lieutenant Wilkes

1841K The Wilkes' Expedition—The narrative of Lieutenant Huddson

1841L The Wilkes' Expedition—The report of Horatio Hale; Vocabulary of the Tarawan language

1841P The Wilkes' Expedition—The narrative of William Clark

1841Q The Wilkes' Expedition—The letters of Lieutenant William Reynolds

1841R The voyages of Andrew Cheyne in Micronesia, 1841-66; Vocabulary of the Pohnpeian language; Vocabulary of the Yapese language; Vocabulary of the Palauan language

1842A Note on Phoebe Island, by Henry Foster, formerly with the Sussex

1842B logbook of the Massachusetts, Captain Seth Nickerson

1842C The Elizabeth of Salem, Captain Hedge

1842D logbook of the Young Phoenix, Captain James A. Shearman

1842E logbook of the barque Clarice, Captain Dexter

184242F logbook of the Wihninton & Liverpool Packet, Captain Place

1842G The ship Young Eagle, Captain Austin

1842H The Harriet, cut off at Kosrae—Articles in the New England press

1842E The William and Henry, Captain Benjamin

1842J The Fortune, Captain Almy, 1842-43

1842K The log of the Omega, Captain George Haggerty, 1842-43

1842L The logbook of the Tu s c a l o o s a of New Bedford, Captain Taber

1842M The Countess of Minto, Captain Wishart

1843A The wreck of the Hawaiian schooner Shaw on Minto Reef

1843B The Rose of Halifax, Captain Wood

1843C The Emily Morgan, Captain Ewer

1843D Logbook of the Columbia of Nantucket, Captain George F. Joy

1843E Logbook of the Ulla Rookh of New Bedford, Captain O. Raymond

1843F Logbook of the bark Lexington of providence, Captain Jayne

1843G The romanticized story of the whale-ship Potomac, alias Arethusa

1843H logbook of the ship Oregon, Captain Sherman, 1843-45

1843I Subsidy for the Marianas, 1844-46

1843J Logbook of the ship Balaena of New Bedford, Captain Manchester

1843K Logbook of the ship Howard of Nantucket, Captain Bunker

1844A Logbook of the ship Cortes of New Bedford, Captain Hammond

1844B Kosrae Island in 1844 The narrative of Dr. Baker

1844C The ship Martha of Fairhaven, Captain Sayer

1844D Passport issued by Goivernor Santa Maria to Henry Millinchamp

1844E The Emerald of New Bedford, Captain Cathcart

1844F Ship Uncas, Captain Gelett, 1844-45

1844G The story of the ship Cassander, 1844-46

1844H HMS Vestal, Captain Talbot, from Port Jackson to Hong Kong

1844J Catholic missions in Micronesia—Vicariate founded in 1844

1844K The French whaler Angelina, cut off at Mili

1844O Ship America visited Tinian—Description of splendid ruined "city”

1845A The French Navy ship Rhin, Captain Berard, investigated at Mili; The report of Dr. Fabre, including some vocabularies

1845B Another Frenchman visited Kosrae in 1845 aboard the Minerva

1845C Governor Santa Maria—Conference on the development of Guam

1845D Repairs done to the Palace at Umatac, Guam

1845E The whaler Peruvian, Captain Brow, visited Agrigan Island in 1845

1845F English versus American whalers in the Pacific Ocean in the 1840s

1845G logbook of the bark Mindoro, Captain Davis

1845H The Hope, Captain Tucker, 1845-47

18451 The schooner Warwick, Captain Cheevers

1845J The Ianthe Shoal got this name in 1845

Publication Details

Lévesque Rodrigue. History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents; More Whalers and the Wilkes' Expedition, 1839-1845. Gatineau Québec: Lévesque Publications; 2003.
