
From Habele Institute

The Heyday of Whaling and the Second d'Urville Expedition, 1831-1839, is the twenty-third volume of the History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents (HOM), compiled and edited by Rodrique Levesque. It is the third volume in the HOM second series (HOM.S2).


The History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents, Volume 23, The Heyday of Whaling and the Second d'Urville Expedition, 1831-1839

The History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents was complied, edited and published by Rod Levesque. Copyrights were obtained by the Habele Outer Island Education Fund, a US nonprofit, in 2022, which digitized the content to facilitate noncommercial access to, and use of, the series. The PDF file for HOM.23 is roughly 88MB.

Table of Contents

1831A Forts of Guam, etc., map of Guam, by Colonel Villalobos, 1829-1831

1831B Villalobos replaced Medinilla as Gov. of the Marianas only in 1831

1831C Other letters of Governor Villalobos, 1831

1831D Foreigners living in Guam in 1831

1831E The barque Derby of Salem, Captain Cheever

1831F Lafond de Lurcy rescued, brought to Gum by the ship Lloyds, etc.

1831G The ship Montano of Nantucker, Captain Benjamin Worth

1831IThe English whaler Kent,Captain Lawton—The narrative of Dr. Beale

1831J Ships Peru and Mermaid, Captain Eagleston, from 1831 to 1838

1831K Bark Alliance, Captain Covell, via Ebon

1832B Ship Amerika, Capt. Kromchenko, crossed Gilberts and Marshalls

1832C Life on Tinian and Saipan in 1832

1832D The English whaler Caroline, Captain Tregurtha

1832E The shipwreck of the Mentor at Palau in 1832—Press reports

1832F The shipwreck of the Mentor—The official account of Capt. Barnard

1832G The shipwreck of the Mentor—The narratives of Horace Holden; Vocabulary of the language of Tobi Island in 1833-1834

1832H Governor Villalobos' Description of Guam

18321 The Planet, Captain Fraser

1832J The whaler Ploughboy, Captain Nathan Chase

1832K The whaler Hashmy, Captain Harwood, stopped at Namorik

1832M The whaler Australian, Captain Edward Cattlin

1833A Correspondence of Governor Villalobos in 1833

1833B Correspondence received by Governor Villalobos in 1833

1833C Notes on Pohnpei, 1833

1833D The brig Spy of Salem, Captain Knight, visited iPohnpei

1833E Visit of an unknown Russian ship reported by Governor Villalobos

1833G Brig Bolivar Liberator re-discovered Taongi

1833H The captain of the Nimrod killed at Pingelap

18331 The journal of Robert Jarman aboard the whaler Japan of London

1834A Correspondence of Governor Villalobos in 1834

1834B The Conway Affair and aftermath of murder of Capt. Stayers in 1824

1834C Survey of the Marianas by Lieutenant Petrie, R.N.

1834D Governor Villalobos' opinions on import duties

1834E The story of Father Ciriaco really begins in 1834

1834F The Spanish ship that became Hawaiian

1834H The loss of the schooner Dash, Captain Keating, at Ngulu

18341 Dr. Coulter passed by the Gilberts, ca. 1834

1834J The story of the Victoria, cut off at Bikini (or Rongerik)

1834K Massacres at Kosrae, 1834 and 1835

1834L The bark Eliza of Salem, Captain Winn

1834M U.S. whaler John Coggeshall claimed the discovery of Urracas

1834P Nanmadol ruins in Pohnpei—Narrative of Mr. Ong

1835A 1834-35 Census of the Marianas

1835B The shipwreck of the Corsair—Narrative of William Reney

1835C The shipwreck of the Corsair—Press reports

1835D The shipwreck of the Corsair—The report of Governor Villalobos

1834F The brigantine Pronto arrived without the mail

1835F Petition by Silvester Cepeda for back pay

1835G Forts of Guam—Construction of half-redoubts at Agafia

1835H The Nautilus, Captain Swift, whaling near the Gilberts

1835I The ship Awashonks, Captain Prince Coffin, cut off at Namori

1835J Ship Lemuel C. Richmond visited the Gilberts

1835K The brig Consul, Captain T. N. Chapman

1835L The barque Pallas, Captain Archer, sighted Pohnpei

1835M The Japan of London, Captain William E. Hill

1835N Ship William Wirt, Captain Daggett, off the Gilberts

1835O USS Vincennes, Commander Aulick—The report of Cmdr Aulick

1835P USS Vincennes, Commander Aulick—Narrative of Lieut. Browning

1835Q The Franklin of Sag Harbor, Captain C. C. Griffin

1835R First visit of the cutter lambton at Pohnpei

1836A The scientific voyage of the French ship Bonite, Captain Vaillant

1836C Captain Lawson of the ship Augustus killed by Carolinians

1836D The loss of the French brig Harmony near Nauru

1836E A barque with the curious name of Palinure

1837A The Ngatik massacre of 1837

1837B Ships that visited Guam, January-August 1837

1837C The story of the Catholic Father Maigret at Pohnpei

1837D Other documents about Father Bachelot, Maigret, Dudoit, etc.

1837E The ship Newark, Captain William H. Whitfield

1837F The adventures of William Torey

1837G Communal works planned for Guam in 1837

1837H Ship Eliza of Salem visited Pohnpei in February

18371 The Marianas got a new governor in 1837

1837J Notes about Governor Casillas and his term of office, 1837-43

1838E Second d'Urville expedition—The Spanish reports

1838F Second d'Urville expedition—The narrative of Captain d'Urville; Report of Mr. Duroch; Report of Mr. Demas; Report of Mr. Dubouzet; Report of Mr. Duroch; and Report of Mr. Gourdin

1838G Second d'Urville expedition—The anthropology volume

1838H Second d'Urville expedition—Narrative of Lieut. Rocquemaurel

1838I Second d'Urville expedition—The narrative of Dr. Guillou

1838J Second d'Urville expedition—Narrative of Mr. Desgraz

1838K Second d'Urville expedition—An anonymous account

1839A Official investigation of the Falcon Affair and Ngatik massacre

1839B The Falcon Arrair and the Ngatik massacre—Reports of Cmdr Blake

1839D Notes about the Carolines, by Captain Metcalf

Publication Details

Lévesque Rodrigue. History of Micronesia: A Collection of Source Documents; The Heyday of Whaling and the Second d'Urville Expedition, 1831-1839. Gatineau Québec: Lévesque Publications; 2003.

ISBN 978-0-920201-23-7